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Shipwreck Centre and Maritime Museum
{ 90 images }
Created 19 Mar 2015
Arreton Old Village, Isle of Wight
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Museum from Sirenia full res-.jpg
Shipwreck and Maritime Museum Museum...jpg
Main museum from capstan full res-.jpg
Main museum from left stair full res...jpg
Shipwreck and maritime museumSeaman ...jpg
Museum from RH stair full res-1802.jpg
RH aisle from pirate -1803.jpg
Main museum RH from divers-1813.jpg
Main museum LH from entrance-1819.jpg
Seabed -1823.jpg
Main museum RH from standing pirate-...jpg
Main museum RH from figurehead -1845.jpg
Main museum RH from diving bell -185...jpg
Main museum RH from middle bell-1865.jpg
Capstan and Sirenia-1870.jpg
Sirenia card game-1874.jpg
Shipwreck and maritime museum3 diver...jpg
3 divers-1892.jpg
2 divers-1898.jpg
LH from entrance-1909.jpg
Main museum through posts-1924.jpg
Ship's wheel-1949.jpg
suspended diving bell-1954.jpg
diving helmet and gold bar-1963.jpg
diving helmets foreground focus-1974.jpg
diving bell-1984.jpg
standing pirate-1994.jpg
block and wheel-2005.jpg
Diver and suspended bell-2014.jpg
Shipwreck and maritime museumseated ...jpg
dvd room from entrance-2033.jpg
dvd room facing entrance-2040.jpg
dvd room rear wall-2044.jpg
main room entrance-2049.jpg
Entrance and shop-.jpg
Outside side and anchors-2081.jpg
Outside from pond-2096.jpg
floats and lifebelt outside-2160.jpg
Middle gun deck surgery full res-217...jpg
Knotty problem-2189.jpg
Shipwreck and maritime museumwheel a...jpg
RNLI service boards and kit-2210.jpg
Helmet colours-2222.jpg
3 divers close up-2223.jpg
reflection in helmet-2225.jpg
block and rope-2227.jpg
witch bell-2232.jpg
lantern and flag-.jpg
blake boat and capstan-2240.jpg
Detail from HMS A1 RH side-2245.jpg
HMS A1 RH side-2245.jpg
HMS A1 LH side-2251.jpg
Detail from HMS A1 LH side-2251.jpg
HMS P12 LH cabinet1-2257.jpg
HMS P12 RH cabinet1-2260.jpg
HMS P12 LH cabinet2-2267.jpg
HMS P12 RH cabinet2-2279.jpg
HMS Velox LH cabinet-2290.jpg
HMS Velox RH cabinet-2305.jpg
Faith Gripfast etc LH cabinet-2315.jpg
Faith Gripfast etc RH cabinet-2325.jpg
General view of corner "Warwick...jpg
LH view of "Warwick" cabin...jpg
RH view of "Warwick" cabin...jpg
Detail Ethel Langton's cabinet-...jpg
Detail Ethel Langton's cabinet-...jpg
Detail Ethel Langton's cabinet-...jpg
"Pieces of Eight cabinet overvi...jpg
"Pieces of Eight cabinet lower ...jpg
"Pieces of Eight cabinet mid le...jpg
"Pieces of Eight detail-2392.jpg
Dividers and pocket watches-2395.jpg
Schiehallion detail-2400.jpg
Ingot Benamaine cabinet detail-2406.jpg
Benamaine cabinet detail-2410.jpg
Cabinet detail Cadet's log book...jpg
Cabinet detail Pieces of 8 Sheihalli...jpg
Cabinet detail brass lamps-2427.jpg
Cabinet detail brass lamps2-2432.jpg
Cabinet detail brass lamps2-2436.jpg
Mendi cabinet 3-4 on-2441.jpg
Mendi middle cabinet-2451.jpg
Octants and sextants cabinet-2457.jpg
Astrolabe cabinet-2467.jpg
outside lifeboat cleaned-2472.jpg
Jack Whitehead figurehead cleaned-24...jpg